Our services
Leadership role to implement the project and expert work in the Tunnel Association of Russia took the Scientific and Technical Expert Advisory Board. The objectives of the Council include the development of recommendations and develop solutions to complex technical issues of design and construction of tunnels and underground structures. The Board is composed of leading scientists, candidates and doctors of science, planners and managers of the largest construction companies, engineers and specialists of various profiles.
The Russian Tunnelling Association is the authoritative expert centre on consideration of unique objects tunneling and underground structures RTA executes:
Preparation and drafting of construction organization (POC) of tunnels for various purposes, shaft and underground structures
Develop a section of the POC "Industrial Safety", including the section "Fire Protection", and examination for this section
Preparation of documents for obtaining certificates of conformity of technical devices, parts and peripheral equipment in accordance with the GOST R Certification
Non-state examination of projects of construction of tunnels and underground structures
Scientific and technical support of building, including:
- calculation of reliability of fastening of pits, shafts and underground workings
- selection of materials for concrete work
- develop recommendations for the use of directional drilling, micro tunneling, jet grouting, etc.; fixing trenches methods of "slurry wall", secant piles, anchoring, etc.;
Development of projects and recommendations on:
- fire protection of tunnels and underground structures;
- methods and materials for waterproofing tunnels and underground structures
- mechanization of concrete work in the construction of a permanent lining of tunnels and underground structures
- fixation soils and foundations of buildings and structures;
Development of regulatory documents related to technical regulations in the design, construction and operation of tunnels and underground structures.